A good help for the winter illness by using red anion, lemon and ginger!

The sudden lowering of temperatures has unfortunately caused a return of the flu or of that annoying cold making, us loving less winter and desiring excessively spring!
      This is why I thought of a very simple remedy for everyone! So for those who are stuck in bed after 5 days of work or for those holidays when everything is closed!

Enjoy your reading and I await your comments! See you soon!

Juice of lemon and Tropea onion!
In one of the previous articles, I wrote about remedies that have the broth of the grandmother with chicken meat adding to it also the onion including the tropea one! (Cough syrup with apple vinegar).
The onion is rich in fiber, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B6, zolforated compounds and anthocyanin where the latter is found only in the tropea onion because it gives it its red color. Furthermore, according to a latest study, the onion tropea contains a very imposing substance such as natural aphrodisiac, thus making the blue pill slightly less risky for health and more "Organic".
It is preapared
 By peeling and cutting the tropea onion into small pieces and then
Add the seedless lemon juice in
a ½ liter of water in ambient temperature.
Leave it to rest in the fridge for a day or a half day! The more you leave it to rest better it is!
It is kept in a dark hermetically closed container anyway the way of keeping it on time depends by the time that you are going to use it! In any case, keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 days!

Apple, ginger and lemon syrup!
It is said that "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". This has a lot to discuss thus we will come back to this and talk about it specifically!
The apple is a hypocaloric fruit. We must know that we do not eat the fruit but the false fruit because the fruit is what we call the seeds in common words! This false fruit is rich in Vitamin C, potassium (it is the main mineral in apples, it helps in the reintegration of mineral salts, anti-fatigue and anti-lactic acid production therefore very useful for those who play sports or in cases of excessive sweating, regulates blood pressure) , B vitamins, folic acid, quercetin (anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anticancer and antidepressant), catechin (improves brain and muscle functions), chlorogenic acid (decreases the amount of sugar in the blood and promotes weight loss ), sodium, iron, calcium and magnesium!
It is prepared
By Peeling and cuting into cubes about a kilo of apples
For a liter and a half of water in which is added
acacia honey
And a medium-sized ginger root!
Bring to boil slowly and in a closed container until the apples get soft! You can filter the water or even better you can mix it all and drink it like syrup! In case you only use water, you can use apples for a dessert or just like adding honey and cinnamon to taste! You drink a tea cup for 3-4 times a day and keep it in the fridge

Recycle the remains lemon peel!
 A very interesting curiosity is that if you rub the lemon peel on your nails you will see that the yellowish signs will go away as well as they are going to be strong and shiny!
Lemon peel contains citronella ( which helps the digestion and mental tiredness) Fellandrene (which gives it its particular aroma, very common in essential oils such as eucalyptus), vitamin C ( which is the pillar anti- free radical, it is used in a very targeted way for those who had undergone chemotherapy as it leads to a significant improvements as well as increasing appetite, this also because it reduces physical and mental stress as it increases the availability in our body of the iron that we take with food) formic acid (which gives it the pungent odor, the ability to be slightly corrosive, irritating, preserving and antibacterial, this is also used in perfumes), citric acid (it is sanitizing, chelating and acidity, it has multiple uses in household), hesperidin (is anti-oxidant, capillarotropic activity so it reduces the permeability and fragility of the walls of capillary, protective vessel, anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolemic, hypotensive), malic acid or the fruit acid (it is very important as it transforms food into energy consequently increases resistance, very useful in rheumatic diseases therefore anti-inflammatory, prevents cardiovascular disease and confers bitter taste) and pectins (which are soluble fibers very important for our intestines, but if taken excessively can cause meteorism and diarrhea).
 It is used as an additive for a simple tea or as a treatment in case of nausea!
