Quick syrup for a bad cough with Apple vinegar and Honey!

For those who do not suffer from ulcers or other stomach disorders this syrup is practical and quick for cough without making distinction between fat or dry cough!
Enjoy your reading and in await of your comments! See you soon!

Take 3 tablespoons of apple vinegar and add
3 tablespoons of acacia honey
And you drink it every 3-4 hours!
Although, as we all remember, an excellent remedy is the chicken soup as our grandma prepared because it is very rich in cysteine and then it is low-calorie! If you like you can add
a clove of garlic (which is rich in vitamin Cvitamin B6, Selenium and Sulfur where the latter contain among all the substance allin which gives it that pungent odor and taste so use it if obviously you do not have important meetings on the agenda!  Attention: its use strongly lowers the blood pressure!),
onion (rich in fibercalciumpotassium, phosphorusvitamin Cfolic acidvitamin B6zolforated compounds and anthocyanin where the later is found only in the red onion because it gives it its red color) and
chilli pepper (it has capsaicin which gives the beautiful color as well as being an alkaloid with analgesic effects and therefore not only as a local stimulant or irritant)!
Whene you are out you can use licorice (the tree of longevity ) or licorice sweets as well, however, with a particular moderation for the hypertensive one because it strongly increases the blood pressure!
