Remove your make-up respecting the environment!

It is very difficult to find a suitable product for oily or mixed skin and it becomes almost a difficult task or better an impossible mission! With this article, cleaning your face after a long day with make-up and smog will be pleasant as well as fun as you have done the cleaner on your own respecting the environment and having a very modest cost!
Enjoy your reading and in await of your comments! See you soon!

Chamomile: not just a soothing!
Chamomile (both Matricaria and Roman or better Anthemis nobilis) contain bitter substances and an essential oil that make their infusion if it is well prepared an excellent soothing nerves facilitating sleep, it is also useful against stomach and menstrual pains and helps to overcome flu and cold! For external use the infusion is used to wash the inflamed skin and to decongest it in fact its oil is used to calm skin redness.
Preparation is easy as these ingredients are present in your pantry and are very easy to find! We use:
50 g rice starch or sifted cornstarch to avoid lumps on
100g of chamomile brew prepared as it should otherwise becomes an exciting then an 8-minute infusion!
You get a biphasic product that before using it you have to shake it well and then apply it with a cotton swab. Keep it in the fridge for 2-3 months! Unfortunately, as it does not have chemical ingredients it is difficult to remove the mascara so I suggest you wash your face first with warm water and then pass the make-up remover!
Green tonic water: green clay and salt!
The importance of the frequent use of the tonic solution is still under discussion, however, those who have used it continue to use it because it is very good and there are others who say that they can do without it!
The tonic solution is a lotion based on low-acid substances that help the skin to maintain its level of acidity in balance. The use after the make-up remover solution ensures that the cleansing properties of the facial skin are strengthened so the skin face is more beautiful and luminous, because it is free of residues of makeup and smog that do not allow it to breathe. Thus the pores are released in depth and the dilated the one that are closed. Immediately after using it, you will feel that your skin is fresher and cleaner. In this way, the moisturizing cream will make the most of its properties.
For this you have to use:
1 tablespoon of ventilated green clay in
1 cup of water with
1 teaspoon of salt that serves as an antiseptic.
It is left to stand for 2-3 hours until the clay is deposited on the bottom. The liquid is poured without the clay in a dark glass bottle (you can recycle a dark glass bottle of olive oil or something else). It is used as a normal tonic water.
It should be kept in the fridge for 2-3 months.
Rose tonic water: Rose petals on the face!
Boil 500 ml of distilled water (the one we use for the iron) and boil
it is added in a bowl where we put 2-3 tablespoons of roses.
It is left to rest for an hour and then filtered and decanted into a dark glass container.
It is used after removing make-up remover with chamomile. It has soothing properties for mixed sensitive skin and couperose!
