Nourish your oily hair with an eco chickpea flour shampoo.

The scalp is rich in sebaceous glands which are useful but sometimes but sometimes their hyper stimulation leads to have an opposite effect and not very beneficial as for example the fat!
 Chickpea flour has always been used in cosmetics thanks to its detergent properties due to the presence of saponins that also give its hypocholesterolomizing properties! Unfortunately, it is difficult to be used in cosmetics especially as shampoo due to its classic smell on the hair so that is the reason why I have used in this recipe the lavender; which in addition to the pleasant scent it also gives the degreasing effect on greasy hair and its infusion is also used against acne, the calendula; which is an excellent lenitive with a delicate scent and a pleasant color, the essential oil of cedar lemon; which is an antiseptic that works in synergy with vinegar!

Enjoy your reading and in await of your comments! See you soon!

We have to use:
2 tablespoons of chickpea flour which is an excellent remedy for having fat hair, to this we add
200ml of hot water,
2 tablespoons of vinegar that works as a brilliant agent,
2 tablespoons of lavender better if shredded to increase the extraction of essential oil,
2 tablespoons of calendula also shredded for the same purpose as before,
3 gtt of essential oil of citron lemon.

 Everything is used on wet hair previously treated with warm water so as we always do for normal shampoo and apply by massaging from tips to roots. It is kept in a dark glass bottle or you can recycle a finished cosmetic (I have used the container of a finished mouthwash)! To be used within 3-4 months for about 2-3 times a week!
