The infusion of nettle leaves to combat hair loss and oiliness!

In a previous article, I wrote about how to prepare an easy homemade ecological shampoo for oily hair with chickpea flour but somebody found this process too long, so I thought about an alternative and much simpler, easier preparation such as the nettle infusion! The nettle is rich in chlorophyll, vitamin C, mineral salts so its infusion goes to strengthen the scalp and to fight the hair loss, seborrhea and oily dandruff!

Enjoy your reading and in await of your comments! See you soon!

Here are used

60g dried Nettle leaves in
1l of purified or demineralized water just like the one we use to iron in an airtight container and leave it there for 15min with the nettle leaves and then cool it! Wash the hair with this lotion 2-3 times a week instead of shampoo!
