Tackling intestinal flu with sage and mint!

The month of December is magic! Full of lights, parties and preparations. Unfortunately, the cold tests our immune defenses, which despite our attention, some viruses are inevitable; like intestinal flu, which is very easy to take. To avoid the long ordeal, I recommend the use of these two spices that in this period are present in our pantry: sage and peppermint. Being two spices, therefore rich in essential oils, can be unbearable by some people who are sensitive to this presence, therefore, in these cases avoid their prolonged use.

Enjoy your reading and I await your comments! See you soon!


The leaves have an essence rich in tujon, tannins and other bitter substances with the properties of
                            Decreasing nocturne sweating (drinking the infusion for a few days),
                            Stopping diarrhea in particular that linked to the weakening of the muscles of the digestive tract (gastro intestinal atoms) then as in intestinal flu
                            In cases of dizziness and stress like hormonal consequences. In addition, the hormones that contains sage act on female estrogens regulating the latter (both in cases of large flow-amenorrhea and in those of low flow-dysmenorrhea), lighten the pain and increase fertility.
                           In case of gingivitis gargle can be used the infusion because it acts as an antiseptic
                           Against the hair loss, you can use its alcoholic extract by rubbing the scalp twice a day.


The leaves have an essence rich in menthol, tannic and bitter substances. It is recommended as:
                                                 A tranquilizer of the nervous system and of dizziness in cases of high stress
                                               Against flatulence
                                               Stimulates the emptying of the gall bladder
                                               Stops diarrhea in general so it is not specific as sage
                                               It is used to treat hypertension so the latter must be done under the recommendation of the physiotherapist or his doctor.


Prepare the infusion using half a tablespoon of soup for a cup of boiling water, leave it to rest for about 15 minutes and then drink.it is recommended a cup per day, with the addition of acacia honey. As sage has a high tujon content, prolonged use is not recommended!
