Aerophagy: keep the air in or expulse it?

Aerophagy means “to eat air"; and that's easy! Every time we open our mouth, we talk, chew, drink, the air that enters is not only destined for the trachea, the bronchi and the lungs, but it is even swallowed. This is because the esophagus and the trachea are close, in addition to the tendency to swallow saliva even when the mouth is empty. This air, within certain limits, is physiological and can not be felt; however, this is aggravated if the quantity increases, leading to belching, abdominal swelling and meteorism with a subsequent tachycardia.
Knowing the causes and factors is the first step in preventing both physical and psychological discomfort. The main remedy is not to resort immediately to the use of over-the-counter drugs with pro-kinetic effect but to change some behaviors concerning the way we eat, drink, chew and swallow. In particular, it is essential:
To eat in a relaxed environment, without haste, with “zen" thoughts
To chew slowly, mouth shut and don't talk while you're drinking or eating (as would be polite)
To drink calmly and in small sips (this also promotes good hydration)
To eat seated, in a comfortable position, straight back so it promotes the descent of food in the stomach
To take the dog for a walk after every meal you have.
In any case, if this disorder is very marked accompanied by a strong gastroenteric discomfort such as constipation or diarrhea that are present for no obvious reason and that persists for more than a few days, you should consult your doctor.
However, I have always wondered if it is better to keep this air in (as it is of Western culture) or expulse it (as it is of Eastern culture)? I understand that they are not pleasant gestures but very useful for our body! Do it but with skill!!
A good cup of herbal tea with fennel, celery and lemon balm help to live well with this "treat myself” of our body!
In any case, the Mediterranean diet, made up of a good dose of simple carbohydrates (such as pasta, rice, cereals with easily digestible fibers), fresh no ripped fruit (sour is better), vegetables (raw and colored) and lots of natural water will always be the brick that sustains the well-being of our organism.

Enjoy your reading and I await your comments! See you soon!
Wild fennel:
The dried seeds contain a balsamic essential oil rich in anethole and fenchone as well as in starch, sugar and pectin. These aromatic compound as a whole one have the property to relax the smooth muscles and consequently improve the states of aerophagy, but also cases of poor menstrual cycle acting as an emmenagogue so it is not recommended to use it in pregnancy. It is also recommended to increase milk production (galactagogue), improve fat cough. In many studies, it is required to scrupulously respect the doses for a possible state of poisoning due to the presence of this aromatic complex where the anethole is polymerized into dianetol that has estrogenic properties (increases female sex hormones) similar to stylbestrol.
The infusion is prepared by resting for 5-6 minutes 1 tablespoon of fennel (seeds) in 250ml of boiling water (a mug or cup of coffee). Filter and consume 1 cup before main meals.
This plant was used to ward off the powers of evil as well as aphrodisiac. The seeds are rich in essential oil that contains sedanine (aromatic stimulating substance), phenol, mannite, inositol that enhance the digestive capacity, absorption of gases in the digestive system. It also contains phthalides that with phytonutrients control the hormones that regulate blood pressure (hypertension treatment). The seeds have the same taste as the fresh vegetable but more intense. Raw celery is not easily digestible!
Preparation is like fennel.
Lemon balm (also called lemongrass, lemongrass):
Lemon balm is one of the ingredients of the well-known antisteric water of the Discalced Carmelites. The pure essence is considered narcotic  but not very toxic. It can cause numbness and slow heartbeats if used in small amounts. This plant is rich in essential oil (with antispasmodic properties, emmenagogue), tannins (carminative), bitter substances (stomachic), mucilage and starch (tonic). Its infusion and wine is used for dizziness, nervousness, stimulating appetite, facilitating digestion, and excessive fatigue. For external use it stimulate the skin so it is recommended to add its infusion to the bath water, to use it in lotions for facial and intimate cleanser. In the kitchen it is also used to flavor vinegar.
Prepare an infusion just like the other plants. The lemon balm tea has to be drunk slowly, 1 warm tea cup after meals!
